10 things we can do to be more self-compassionate.

Be aware of our suffering and less judgemental of our experiences

Actively sooth and comfort ourselves after something goes wrong

Tender and warm touch releases oxytocin, which has a calming effect.

Observe our language and replace negative self-talk with positive self-talk

Create a self-care vision board of activities to address of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health

Engage in self-compassion meditations and exercises eg: Yin and Yang self-compassion

Yin – comforting soothing and validating thoughts, being with ourselves

Yang – acting in the world, protecting, providing, motivating eg setting boundaries, saying no

Talk to others who have been through similar experiences, thereby realising our shared connectedness in experiencing hardship

Also ask the question – if a patient walked into my clinic right now and shared the same story, what would I say to them?
Reference: Kristen Neff: Self compassion and
psychology.com self compassion
Honouring and Serving,
Simran K. Rattan MD