Connection is an important need of the spirit!
Reflect on the times when you have felt disconnected from people, a place, or a spiritual practice.
5 questions to Ask yourself:

What were you experiencing at the time?

How were you feeling?

What did you need, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually?

What do you feel would have made you feel a sense of love, peace and belonging?

How did you try to reconnect?
We have all felt a sense of disconnection at some point in our lives.
Some may feel this feeling seems to persist forever, the need to belong, or to feel a part of a community of people where we feel love.
Our desire to feel connected stems from the need of our spirit.
We can feel isolated and alone.
There are differences in both, some may be isolated but not feel alone and others may not be isolated and with a large group of people and still feel alone.
Not all connections are positive. Healthy connection is important for our health. It is also important for community health and social cohesion.
The ability to feel connected and form trusting relationships impacts on our spiritual growth and also the spiritual growth of the collective.
Connection is an important need of our spirit!
Honouring and Serving,
Simran K. Rattan MD