Ways to improve communication
Sep 17, 2020

Reflect. Consider what is happening for you in the moment and whether or not what you would like to say, (positive or negative) needs to be said at this time.
Are you under a lot of stress, could it wait till the morning? Or next week?

Clarity and honesty. Say what you mean and mean what you say

Listen. Communication is a reciprocal engagement. Be prepared to actively listen to the person you are communicating with. Ask and clarify if you are uncertain of what is being said. Pay attention.

Alternatives. What is it you would like to say and how could it be said or expressed?
We may be able to offer a card with words or a picture instead of conversation, we may prefer to write a song.
Are you communicating via text when it would be better face to face?
Is a written letter easier to express yourself, to ensure a conversation isn’t reactionary?
Find alternative ways to express your feelings and emotions, if you don’t have the words to say.

Observe times when your communication hasn’t been the greatest. What could have been done differently?
Observe your tone of voice and emotions during communication. Observe body language and facial expressions of yourself and others, to become intune with non-verbal communication

Practice. Practice gentle and kind communication with yourself.
Practice with others communicating in groups. Ease yourself into situations.

Role model. Is there anyone in your life you know who is a great communicator?
If so, sit and talk with them, observe the way they communicate and what it is they have, that you may be able to learn from.
If you are unable to think of anyone, there are many videos, podcasts, radio and television personalities that you can listen to, to learn new skills from and ways of communicating that appeals to you.
Honouring and Serving,
Simran K. Rattan MD