What services does a spiritual health care provider or chaplain provide?
Jul 21, 2020

Spiritual health care providers offer multi-faith and non-religious spiritual needs and support for patients, family and staff.
Some families and patients may request a specific religious support base or require spiritual sustenance of a non religious manner.
In the United Kingdom for example, there is a non-religious spiritual healthcare provider by the name of Jane Flint. She is a humanist spiritual health care provider and works alongside 12 hospital chaplains, receiving referrals from teams, mostly palliative care and providing support for patients.
Jane shares, it is about giving patients and families a choice, to decide what spiritual needs they would like.

Sometimes it is difficult to communicate needs to staff within the healthcare setting and providers can act as advocates for patients and families.

SPHs can bridge the gap between health workers and families as mediators, during meetings and when discussing important procedures or investigations required.
They will share with staff important questions patients and families have regarding these practices.

Spiritual health care providers help patients and families navigate through the healthcare experience.
Most hospitals have a chapel or a quiet space for patients and families to visit.
There is the opportunity for staff to access the service and spiritual advisors within this space.

Staff also need spiritual nourishment to be able to take on the tasks to care for others.

Pastoral care workers can offer team building exercises and debriefings for workers if requested.

Along with the general spiritual needs of patients, families and staff, spiritual advisors can organise and coordinate spiritual and religious activities within the hospital, like Sunday services or provision of spiritual materials for people.
Spiritual healthcare providers (chaplains) are the specialists in spiritual health and extremely valuable to help people care for their needs of their spirit!
Honouring and Serving,
Simran K. Rattan MD