Accepting oneself takes time.
Along the way, there are many challenges and barriers:
Self doubt eludes us.
We struggle to let go of our mistakes and the hurts from others.
We don't feel we are worthy because we have heard non-validating and non-affirming messages, continuously throughout our lives.
These words and actions have imprinted in our subconscious minds our negative perceptions of who we are.
We judge ourselves. We wonder, who am I to be loved?
Our self belief has been broken and it becomes difficult to accept we are worthy.
Other difficulties towards self-acceptance include:
Struggling to find the time to appreciate ourselves in our hectic lives
Learning to validate ourselves without others (although it is important to surround ourselves with supportive people).
First peel back your layers and let the truth of who you are begin to reveal the truth of your being.
Self acceptance can be a beautiful journey of discovering the inner connection to you.
Honouring and Serving,
Simran K. Rattan MD