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humility Dec 01, 2020
Let’s face it we all cringe at unflattering feedback from a friend or colleague; no one likes criticism.
Humility helps you focus on managing yourself and avoid reacting quickly and telling yourself that your friend is wrong.
You might be thinking that humility is a religious idea which means being passive and submissive.
I like to see it more as a mindset.
Think of humility as cultivating interpersonal and collaboration skills that “quiet the ego”.
Humility helps us shape how we react, shorten our emotional defensiveness and creates a compassionate, open hearted, open minded state of being.
It allows you to practice your life consciously listening and reflecting on the perceptions you have and rise above your cognitive and emotional biases.
Humility empowers you to let go of your preconceived notions of the world and gain stronger connections with others in your life.
When you cultivate...
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Humility is a new way of thinking of intelligence.

humility Jun 15, 2020
Let’s face it we all cringe at unflattering feedback from a friend or colleague; no one likes criticism.
Humility helps you focus on managing your self and avoid reacting quickly and telling yourself that your friend is wrong.
You might be thinking that humility is a religious idea which means being passive and submissive.
I like to see it more as a mindset.
Think of humility as cultivating interpersonal and collaboration skills that “quiet the ego”.
Humility helps us shape how we react, shorten our emotional defensiveness and creates a compassionate, open hearted, open minded state of being.
It allows you to practice your life consciously listening and reflecting on the perceptions you have and rise above your cognitive and emotional biases.
Humility empowers you to let go of your preconceived notions of the world and gain stronger connections with others in your life.
When you cultivate humility within, it allows you to...
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How Do We Cultivate Humility?

humility Jun 07, 2020

What is humility? 

Humility is a Divine quality that brings forth wisdom, an understanding and strength within us. It enables us to draw closer to the Divine, and thus experience love within and with others. 

It is often mistaken as hiding ourselves away, so as not to be seen or heard. To be quiet about our skills, gifts and talents. However, in its truest and purest form, it is the recognition and acknowledgement that all that we are comes from the Highest source. That we exist not of our own doing, but from a power and Source that is Supreme. It is from the grace of this Source we are able to exist and manifest all that we are in co-creation and knowing this, is in essence, humility.


How do we cultivate humility?

Life experience can be our greatest teacher. We can be humbled by events, people, positive or negative experiences. Take for example, being blessed with a home. This can be a humbling experience if one has not had a home gifted before. 

 We can...

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How did you authentically express yourself today?

humility Jun 04, 2020
Authentic expression is something that can be hard when we are worried about what others will think or how they will react.
A way I help myself be authentic is by making sure that what I say honours who I am.
What I mean by that is I ask myself if I say this does it align with my own self, my values, my spiritual beliefs and do I feel it resonated from a deeper place.
Sometimes when we voice our opinions they are not well received and we don’t feel good about what others said in response of our own expression.
When we learn to authentically express, its like learning anything,
You first have to do it and then you learn how to refine your expression.
So if people don’t take it well you refine the way you say something and still make sure that what you express resonates with you.
However there are some times when you have said things that were refined and you still get backlashed.
If you had humility, kindness and compassion when you expressed...
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