Simran K. Rattan Blog Book Free Discovery Call For Meditation

Be The Phoenix That Rises Out Of The Ashes.

Empowering you to achieve mind, body & spiritual wellbeing.

“Real change begins with the simple act of people talking about what they care about.” 
~Margaret Wheatley, Ed.D.

I am a physician leader, speaker advisor & coach.  I coach Women health professionals and entrepreneurs to be the director in their lives by learning powerful systems and tools to kick aside the inner conflict that holds them back.  I use a simple, concise, and integrative approach to tackle life's challenges professionally & personally so that you feel energetic and vibrant in all aspects of spirit, mind, and physical health. 

Spirituality is Medicine (SIM) - is about helping you to connect within, honour yourself and heal innately - it is medicine for your soul.  By nourishing your spirit with what is truly meaningful, purposeful, and sacred, you will be driven to live a life that is truly fulfilling. 

Spirituality is an essential aspect of who we are.  We have an innate ability to heal. Spiritual health is essential to preventing a decline in our wellbeing when we face challenges during different stages of our life. 

I grew up in a family with a heritage in meditation and spirituality.  My own journey into meditation started at a very young age. I was always encouraged by my parents to cultivate a strong relationship with the power that is deep within. I gained great strength and inspiration from this spiritual connection. I became a meditation teacher at a young age and have been teaching/coaching meditation for 20 + years. It was this interest in meditation and the spiritual self that led me to pursue a career in integrative medicine, and become an integrative health coach.


I am triple board certified in Family Medicine, Integrative Medicine and Integrative Health Coaching. I am a graduate from the Andrew Weil Centre of Integrative Medicine Fellowship program and Integrative Health Coaching Program. I also lead the Andrew Weil Centre of Integrative Medicine Alumni Chapter in Ontario, Canada. 

I have completed the Interprofessional Spiritual Care Education Curriculum (ISPEC) with Dr. Pulchalski & faculty from George Washington Institute of Spiritual Health (GWISH)

I am advanced certified in BHRT, From the academy of Preventative & Innovated Medicine. 

I am currently accepted into the media and medicine program at Harvard Medical School, class of 2022, and pursuing my Advanced certification in Workplace Psychological Health & Safety at The University of Fredricton. 

My inspiring team at Kartar Health takes a holistic, integrative approach to your health. We guide you step-by-step through recommendations to help you prevent diseases, optimize health and live well. 

 I practice Tai Chi and am a Level 1 Instructor from Ji Hong Tai Chi in Mississauga.

Health professionals who are interested in spiritual health to incorporate into their practices join my Facebook group, Spirituality is Medicine for Health Care Professionals This group was created to build awareness amongst Health Professionals who are interested in spiritual health, personally and professionally.   

Master Meditation Coach

There is an invisible force that binds us together. It gives you the power to Be The Director In Your Life.

I am a Master Meditation Coach, spiritual facilitator, spiritual elder, and expert in Vibrant Celestial Meditation (VCM) for over 20 years. 

  • A truly simple, natural and effortless meditation
  • Cultivate harmony and joy within and around you
  • Learn to trust that inner voice and make focused accurate decisions
  • Learn to live with composure and feel consistently uplifted 
  • Become more aware of who you are 
  • Create a deeper connection with yourself and in your relationships
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Integrative Health Coach (IHC)

IH Coaches will help you achieve your goals and make healthy changes that are sustainable. IHC is for you if :

  • Your done with quick fixes and want to make changes that last
  • You decided that your well-being is your most precious asset 
  • You are fed up with sitting on the fence and want to commit to a healthy lifestyle
  • You want to be the boss of your own health
  • You want to take small steps  which are powerful to sustain your healthy changes
  • You want to gain confidence in your ability to master wellness
  • You want to gain clarity of your values for meaningful growth
Book Free Discovery call for Integrative Health Coaching


I am an experienced speaker and speak to a variety of audiences.

  • Topics: Spiritual health and mind-body medicine, Meditation, Integrative medicine, Integrative Health coaching
  •  Audience: public, businesses,  medical conferences and to other professional organizations and podcasts
  • Lead retreats and workshops in Meditation world wide
  • Education and training to healthcare professionals on spirituality and spiritual distress (completed  ISPEC with Dr. Pulchalski & faculty at GWISH)
Book me to speak

"Sim always brings me back to the Divine Within and a focus on this Higher Truth. Her commitment to her own journey inspires me to aim higher with mine. She is positive, encouraging and empathic. She also has a very practical focus, which helps to resolve problems very simply. She has been a major catalyst in my journey to teach and help people with meditation and has inspired me to become an Integrative Health Coach."

Ross Corry
Meditation Coach, Gold Coast, Australia

"For me, Simranā€™s ability to listen, truly listen, is what sets her apart and helps her really be in tune with others. Iā€™ve known Simran for over 25 years and her guidance helped me find hope and meaning at a time when things seemed lost. She motivated me to listen closely to my own voice which transformed my life. With her ongoing support, I now wake up with purpose and live a joyful and inspired life. "

Hardeep Prewal
MD, Palliative Care, Toronto, Canada

50% Complete

This eye opening report was compiled after 65 years of  ground breaking research into the World Scriptures.

It reveals 7 Surprising Misconceptions about Meditation that may be hindering your ability for Rapid Growth and Sustained Fulfillment.