There are multiple benefits to engaging in activities and life that nourish us and our health partners spiritually.
These include:
We become the best version of ourselves
We feel good and this has a rippling effect and others around us experience this feeling and as such connect with their infinite self.
We are able to work through difficulties better
We become more kind, patient, generous, understanding and compassionate towards ourselves and others
Spirituality is multifaceted and has many dimensions. A person may not be religious and is still spiritual. People experience spirituality in its vastness and multiple forms that awaken and stir our innate spirit. Take the time to know your infinite self.
Honouring and Serving,
Simran K. Rattan MD
Content support Maria Peach
Spirituality is what brings forth who we are and how we express and experience our infinite self.
We can ask ourselves and our health partners (patients) these questions, to find out, what makes our souls move:
What excites you?
What refreshes you?
What makes you feel good about who you are?
What utilizes your skills and talents?
What connects you with others in a shared goal?
Who do you feel uplifted around and have a shared interest with?
We are spiritual beings first and foremost before anything and the lives we are living are embodied in a human experience.
Our experiences differ however at the core it is our spirit that connects us and the more we connect with our infinite self, the more we will heal and grow spiritually.
Honouring and Serving,
Simran K. Rattan MD
It was fantastic being on Dr. Errin Weisman’s podcast, Doctor Me First.
We had a great conversation on my word; spirituality. We talked about why spirituality is not being addressed in health. We talked about a powerful question, that at first I was skeptical to use. I thought people wouldn’t respond, but to my surprise the opposite happened! Have a listen!
You will be able to stream it from any podcast app! You can also check it out on her website
Here it is on YouTube for your listening!
Honouring and Serving,
Simran Rattan
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