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What are the consequences of burnout?

Uncategorized Aug 05, 2020
What are the consequences of burnout? / Compassion fatigue
The implications of compassion fatigue are varied ranging from emotional exhaustion, low job satisfaction, decreased quality of care and patient satisfaction, risk of medical error and somatic complaints.
Other signs of compassion fatigue include:
🌀Sadness and grief
🌀Avoidance or dreading working with some patients or people at work
🌀Detachment and reduced empathy towards patients or families
🌀Change in beliefs, expectations and assumptions
Compassion fatigue has a negative effect on:
⚡️our wellbeing and those around us both at work and at home.
⚡️Our personal relationships are strained, we are moody when we arrive home, tired and don't feel like attending to the necessary chores awaiting.
⚡️Our time with loved ones is not fulfilling because we are not present and our conversations are sometimes abrupt and short.
⚡️We don't have time for anyone and don't want to be around anyone.
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What does “burnout” or moral injury look like?

burnout Aug 04, 2020
What does burnout look like? What are your burnout warning signs?
🤦🏽‍♀️ Have you ever felt so exhausted, you couldn't be bothered going to work?
🤦🏽‍♀️ Do you feel sometimes, life is overwhelming and it's difficult to have a work life balance?
🤷🏽‍♀️ How do you know when you have reached burnout?
Having empathy creates a better health partnership between physician/provider and patients.
👩‍⚕️Physicians who had a higher empathy score, have higher scores of emotional exhaustion.
🤷🏽‍♀️ What do we do when we have high empathy scores and are therefore prone to emotional exhaustion with our work?
This can result in compassion fatigue, burn out or vicarious traumatization.
✅ Spirituality is important in patient care because it has been observed to give strength in being able to cope, have better quality of life and better well-being.
This applies to ourselves also; engaging in our own spirituality will give us
✅ the strength, resilience and well being to prevent emotional...
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10 things we can do to be more self-compassionate.

self compassion Jul 31, 2020
❤️ Be aware of our suffering and less judgemental of our experiences
❤️ Actively sooth and comfort ourselves after something goes wrong
❤️ Tender and warm touch releases oxytocin, which has a calming effect.
❤️ Observe our language and replace negative self-talk with positive self-talk
❤️Create a self-care vision board of activities to address of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health
❤️Engage in self-compassion meditations and exercises eg: Yin and Yang self-compassion
❤️Yin – comforting soothing and validating thoughts, being with ourselves
❤️Yang – acting in the world, protecting, providing, motivating eg setting boundaries, saying no
❤️Talk to others who have been through similar experiences, thereby realising our shared connectedness in experiencing hardship
❤️Also ask the question – if a patient walked into my clinic right now and shared the same story, what would I say to them?
Reference: Kristen Neff: Self compassion and
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3 reasons we may struggle to be self-compassionate?

self compassion Jul 29, 2020
⚡️We struggle to be self-compassionate because of the words and beliefs we were taught as we were growing up.
⚡️We have been socially conditioned to put others first and that this is more important than caring for ourselves.
⚡️Our inner critical voice built a set of negative beliefs within that have been buried in our sub-conscious minds. These repetitive negative thoughts leave less room for loving and kind thoughts, to develop compassionate response to our imperfections.
Honouring and Serving,
Simran K. Rattan MD
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What is self-compassion?

self compassion Jul 28, 2020
🌺 Self-compassion is being kind and tender to ourselves as we would with others who are experiencing heartache, trial or tribulation.
🌺 It is the moment we sit with ourselves and self-reflect without harsh judgement or criticism.
🌺 It is being gentle with our own mind, heart and soul.
🌺 It is realising, while it is a gift of loving kindness to be compassionate towards others spiritually, we need to afford ourselves the same loving kindness.
Dr Kristin Neff, researcher on self-compassion states,
“With self-compassion, we give ourselves the same kindness and care we’d give to a good friend.” This statement is powerful.
When we reflect on some of the things we say and do, for our friends & family who come to us with a problem, often the thoughts and words we share with them, come from a place of compassion, acceptance and non-judgement.
Think of some of the things you say to someone you care about, who come to you with a...
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Spiritual healthcare provider

A spiritual healthcare provider, is there in our times of need. To listen, nurture and care for us in a spiritually loving matter.
They provide the support others may not have the energy for and understand our pain and suffering during vulnerable moments in our lives.
They are specialists in spiritual distress and offer counselling to allow patients, families and staff to share and express their feelings, emotions and thoughts regarding their health and well-being.
A crucial and vital service during stressful times, the spiritual healthcare network provides soul nurturing healing for all.
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What questions can we ask as health-workers if a spiritual healthcare provider or chaplain is not available?

Don’t know what questions to start with when exploring spirituality with your health partners (patients)?
Spiritual health care providers are trained to counsel many in times of need.
Some questions spiritual advisors may use to engage with patients, families and staff include the following:
✅ What brings meaning into your life?
✅ What is important in your life?
✅Where are your significant relationships?
✅What values are most important to you?
✅What gives you strength in challenging times?
✅ What is disrupting access to resources that uplift you right now?
If a spiritual health care provider is not available, these questions offer guidance for healthcare workers, to engage and support patients and family.
These questions encompass all people no matter what their beliefs. These help each person to reflect and thus begin the process of exploring themselves.
Evidence supports that by nourishing the needs of the spirit, we help those who feel...
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What services does a spiritual health care provider or chaplain provide?

Uncategorized Jul 21, 2020
🌺 Spiritual health care providers offer multi-faith and non-religious spiritual needs and support for patients, family and staff.
Some families and patients may request a specific religious support base or require spiritual sustenance of a non religious manner.
In the United Kingdom for example, there is a non-religious spiritual healthcare provider by the name of Jane Flint. She is a humanist spiritual health care provider and works alongside 12 hospital chaplains, receiving referrals from teams, mostly palliative care and providing support for patients.
Jane shares, it is about giving patients and families a choice, to decide what spiritual needs they would like.
🌺 Sometimes it is difficult to communicate needs to staff within the healthcare setting and providers can act as advocates for patients and families.
🌺 SPHs can bridge the gap between health workers and families as mediators, during meetings and when discussing important procedures or...
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What are spiritual healthcare providers or chaplains?

Have you ever felt like you or your patient needed someone to talk to at the bedside in the hospital or as an outpatient?
To discuss your fears and worries about being unwell, about life, about death?
To be able to express to someone when you are sick, your frustrations, hurts, joys and pains that you may not be able to share with healthcare staff, family or friends?
Or to help you sort through the pain of your spirit?
Healthcare facilities like hospitals can be a very lonely place. Staff are busy frantically pacing the corridors trying to take care of people and visiting hours are often restricted.
Sometimes family and friends can’t always make it in to say hello in their busy lives. Some people don’t always have someone who can stop in and pay a visit, being distant from family and friends for whatever reasons.
This is the value of each hospital having a spiritual healthcare provider (SHP) onsite, to provide the company and presence...
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